Hi there, I'm Samin, a software developer who has previously worked at Opstimize, Asure Software, MADlabs, and Toronto District School Board. I finished my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Toronto.

You can see my work below, view my resume, or just say hello.

TDSB - Homework Management System

The application allows Toronto District School Board students to manage all of their school work and to various tools aimed to improve their school performance.

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Application to Practice Philosophy Logic Questions for Philosophy Department @ UofT

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Feedback Collection

Web app that can be used to send mass emails to a big list of users for the purpose of collecting feedback for data analytics

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Smart Read - UX Research

Designed a user centered application addressing the issue of Fake News spreading throught the web.

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Game Center

An Android application consisting of three board games (Sliding Tiles, Hangman and Tic Tac Toe). Complete with the following functionalities: multiplayer support, autosave, user authentication, complexity preference, unlimited undos, et cetera.

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Pet Shelter App

Developed a fully functional pet shelter app using content provider, loaded data with a cursor loader and stored data with SQLite to improve people’s pet search.

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Recipe App

This application allows users to search for recipes according to keyword, calories and diet type

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Earthquake Report App

Using the US Geological Survey API, developed an efficient, multi threaded android app to help users easily see earthquake data

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Decentralized Voting System

Developed a smoke tested voting system on the Ethereum blockchain where there is also a client-side application for voters to ensure fair and open voting

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